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Something is happening ...
A strange, bizarre, peculiar thing.
What do we have to celebrate?
A hole was opened for the first and last time.
Beings fly around to the sound of dancing music.
Within the gates of the hot and humid little hell,
just light, sound, decay,
leftover bodies ...
It's all here, it's all there, it's everywhere.

We are the rest of a dance.

Baladas is, at this moment, in the heat of power and uncertainty, the party we want, the theater we want, the art we produce not with the little we have, but with a lot of will, sweat, partnership, affection, consensus, dissension, head banging, tears and laughter, distances and hugs.



Cast: Ian Calvet, Isabel Sanche, Manuela Libman and Victor Newlands

Direction: Julio Castro

Assistant Director: Nicole Gomes

Collaborative Playwriting: Julio Castro (1st and 2nd versions) and Gabriela Ghetti (1st version)

Musical conception and sound operation: Hugo Rocha and Miguel Merlmenstein

Design and operation of light and video: João Maia Peixoto

Art direction: Maria Estephania

Production: Thaís Machado

Collaboration: Alberto Harres

Realization: Companhia Volante

Support: Montage Space

Acknowledgments: Tainá Machado, Natália Amoreira, Andréa Cláudia Bernardino, Caito Guimaraens, Lucas Nascimento, Victor Seixas, Thaíssa Klotz.


photo: Helena Cooper   

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